Intermediate Quiz 95

1. The company was _____ in 1966.
(A) found
(B) founded

Correct answer: (B) founded

The company was founded in 1966.
= The company was established in 1966.
= Perusahaan itu didirikan pada tahun 1966.

Found adalah verb (kata kerja) yang artinya:
– memulai atau mendirikan sebuah organisasi, perusahaan dll.

Base form: found
Past simple: founded
Past participle: founded
-s form: founds
-ing form: founding

2. Scientists still haven’t _____ a cure for the disease.
(A) found
(B) founded

Correct answer: (A) found

Scientists still haven’t found a cure for the disease.
= Scientists still haven’t discovered a cure for the disease.
= Ilmuwan masih belum menemukan obat untuk penyakit itu.

Found adalah bentuk lampau dari find yang artinya:
– menemukan

Base form: find
Past simple: found
Past participle: found
-s form: finds
-ing form: finding

3. The company was _____ up last year.
(A) wound
(B) wounded

Correct answer: (A) wound

The company was wound up last year.
= The company was closed last year.
= Perusahaan itu ditutup tahun lalu.

Wound up adalah bentuk lampau dari wind up yang artinya:
– menutup sebuah perusahaan, organisasi dll.

Base form: wind up
Past simple: wound up
Past participle: wound up
-s form: winds up
-ing form: winding up

4. Three people were shot and seriously _____.
(A) wound
(B) wounded

Correct answer: (B) wounded

Three people were shot and seriously wounded.
= Three people were shot and seriously hurt.
= Tiga orang tertembak dan terluka serius.

Wounded adalah bentuk lampau dari wound yang artinya:
– melukai

Base form: wound
Past simple: wounded
Past participle: wounded
-s form: wounds
-ing form: wounding

5. Mistakes are _____ to happen sometimes.
(A) bound
(B) bounded

Correct answer: (A) bound

Mistakes are bound to happen sometimes.
= Mistakes are certain to happen sometimes.
= Mistakes are very likely to happen sometimes.
= Kesalahan sangat mungkin terjadi sesekali.

Bound adalah adjective yang artinya:
– pasti atau sangat mungkin terjadi
