Phrasal Verbs with TURN

turn around
to make something better or successful again
The new products have turned the company around.

turn away
to refuse to let someone come into a place
Many disappointed fans were turned away at the gates.

turn down
to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
They offered him the job but he turned it down.

turn out
to go to a place to watch or take part in something
Thousands of people turned out to watch the game.

turn up
to arrive at a place
We were supposed to meet at 7, but he never turned up.

turn in
to return something that you have borrowed, found, etc.
You must turn in your pass when you leave the building.

turn in
to give something to a person who will review or accept it
Don’t forget to turn in your papers after class.

turn in
to produce good results or achieve something
The company turned in a healthy profit last year.

turn in
to tell the police who or where a criminal is
His own brother turned him in.

turn in
to go to bed
I think I’ll turn in early tonight.

turn on
to make a piece of equipment start working
He turned on his laptop and checked his email.

turn on
to make someone interested in something
That book turned me on to vegetarianism.

turn off
to make a piece of equipment stop working
Please turn off the lights before you leave.

turn off
to make someone lose interest in or dislike something
His rude comments really turned her off.

turn over
to give someone the right to own something
He turned the shop over to his nephew.

turn back
to go back in the direction you came from
We had to turn back because of the awful weather.

turn back
to return to a previous situation or condition
Once we start the process, there is no turning back.

turn down
to lower the volume, temperature, etc., of something
Can you turn the music down a bit?

turn down
to refuse an offer, request, or invitation
They offered him the job but he turned it down.

turn into
to change and become someone or something different
The problem surprisingly turned into an advantage.
